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Marcus Strategy Friday 12th June 2020

Marcus Today

We live in interesting times. Capital preservation is our priority, we are locking in gains this morning, its been a tremendous ride but the herd is beginning to sober up and we're not going to stand in its way. Corrections start fast and there are a hundred things you could throw into the mix to worry about, from 'Pandemic Resurgence' to the real one, the Fed telling us that this is not going to be a V-Shaped recovery. As one headline says - "A twenty-two trillion dollar stock rally now hinges on a rapid economic recovery". The Fed just told us it won't happen. We have proven ourselves to be "Flexible, Nimble, and Bold". As we cash up again we are going to find out whether that is going to be on our gravestone or the front cover of our IPO product disclosure statement. What we do know is that our investors and Members will be sleeping well this weekend.